..... insanity....... everywhere you looked yesterday it was a mad world......
It didn't start in Woolwich but it did end there..... but's let's start at Woolwich ......
The barbaric behaviour of yesterday is incomprehensible to describe ...... walking along the pavement one minute and then the next thing ........ and the victim of whose name we are not yet told loses his life...... and for what ? Terrorism ? I don't think so ..... sure it suits our government and the law enforcers to tell us it was an act of terrorism, they want us to be scared ..... but this was a simple act of sheer murderous brutality ...... whilst the public stand there and look and video and even chat with the killers as though they are in some sort of reality TV program.....
Look at this picture and ask your self what's wrong in this photo ? .... not spotted it yet ? look carefully.... it has bothered me from the moment I saw it........

In the back ground you can see a police officer crouched over one of the now shot killers, and in the foreground a small crowd looking over the victim..... considering since murdering this man, the killers have been chatting to bystanders and in turn been shot by the Police themselves, it would seem that the victims body will have been in the road sometime by the time this photograph has been taken..... at what point did any of those bystanders not think..... out of respect they would elect to cover over his body...... at what point did it not occur to them that this man has a family, this man was a person, this man deserves better respect rather than becoming the latest twitter trend...... why did not one of these bystanders [or even the photographer of this picture] not think, out of some sort of respect for another human being..... to cover the man over, instead of leaving him there lying like you would a dog that had been run over in the street.
And what about
mother-of-two Ingrid Loyau-Kennett who today is being described as incredibly brave, even to the point she went on breakfast TV to tell us how brave she was....... well do you know what ..... she was not incredibly brave ..... she was incredibly fucking stupid ...... yes thats right fucking stupid ..... a mother of two who says that she put her self in the way in case the killers wanted to harm children and it was better her than children that were harmed ..... utter fucking stupidity ....and what about her own children...what would they be doing if she was now dead..... but why is she fucking stupid ?.....
Simple...... because for no good reason she stands there having a conversation with the killers, as though you can reason with these two lunatics and then......then......she goes on national TV and recounts virtually word for word her conversation with the murderers and what has she done..... given these fucking lunatics a voice.... she has helped spread their message to the world.....
The papers are no better..... look at today's front page of the telegraph .....
And so they show a image from the now infamous uTube/ITV clip and instead of saying ..... look at this murderous bastard.... what do they say..... they quote him and give him a voice !..... the telegraph are fucking stupid too !
So with this madness before your eyes, you think I know what I'll turn round abit..... but instead you are confronted by this man..... remember him ?
Dale fucking Cregan
Initially in his trial he denied the murder of 2 police women... then he changed his plea..... but his trial continued as he was denying murdering Mark Short and 3 months later David Short [father of Mark]... but yesterday he changed his plea and admitted the murder of both men...but his trial continues .....why ?.... well because he denies the attempted murder of Sharon Hark.... really ....
But yesterday, Dale Cregan's Barrister said in his closing speech:
In his closing speech, Mr Csoka said: "Members of the jury ... You now
know for sure that he has murdered four people and that he has attempted
to murder others inside the Cotton Tree pub.
"You may think after what has just happened ... 'what does it matter
now?', 'what difference does it make?, 'why does Dale Cregan care?'.
But he said the standards of judging the evidence against him on the allegation of attempted murder "remain exactly the same".
He said Cregan had already given an explanation in January in prison to
a psychologist and psychiatrist as to why he killed the Shorts."The threats to rape his sister, the threats against his son the threats to rape his son, threats going back years and years.
"You remember Dale Cregan saying he was not able to sleep, that he had
obsessive thoughts of killing and him saying he had the best night's
sleep of his life after killing David Short."A clear explanation as to what he did to the Short family."
But he said all the evidence of what happened at Ms Hark's house, did not point to attempted murder.
Mr Csoka said: "We are dealing with someone who when he sets out to kill, he kills."
[sky news]
Now I realize barristers have an obligation to represent without fear or favour, but with someone like Dale Cregan there comes a point where you are beginning to seriously question the barrister himself.....
At what point in this trial did his barrister not think to himself..... this fucker is not worth wasting an ounce of piss on, let alone defending him. Then standing up proudly and looking at the jury and saying in his closing speech.....
Members of the jury I have been defending this man throughout this trial and I have come to the conclusion he is a complete and utter callous murdering bastard and you should no have hesitation to find him guilty of any charge this court puts before you.....
At which point all 12 jurors stand up and in unison start clapping, and as they do they break out in to song, urging the judge to gather up all the rope he can find and do away with this murdering bastard......
I saw an interesting statistic yesterday on the train whilst heading back from London, it said there are only 3,200 tigers left in the world....... that's not many I thought..... and that got me thinking..... there's only 1 Dale Cregan left in the world..... and I bet we put more effort in to keeping Dale Cregan alive than we will those tigers.... there's even a chance the 3,200 tigers will be extinct before Dale Cregan..... how fucking sad is that ?
So, saddened by the acts of Dale Cregan, we turn once more in our circle and shit what are when then faced with...... this man ......
Mark Bridger..... you read the updates on his trial of yesterday, now that his defence has commenced and some of the commentary on the cross examination and you think..... this guy is in some kind of parallel universe.... the utter shite that he has so far come out with..... is beyond belief.... and yeah yeah I know the trial has to take it's course..... but defending him ? ...... really ? should anyone really really bother..... and like the tigers...... like Dale Cregan..... will Mark Bridger become extinct anytime soon ?
So saddened by that view, we turn some more degrees in this circle of news and what now are we confronted by...... this man ..... don't know who he is ? ........
still don't know who he is ? no I didn't till yesterday, seems a lot of people didn't either....
I fully respect that prisoners/offenders should be given the chance to rehabilitate ....but seriously this man ? who as you can see even gets day release back out on to our streets....
Who knows, perhaps in 40 years they will be debating a gagging order about this man.....
yes this murdering bastard... the one with blood on his hands ..... will we be worrying about his personal safety in 40 years time ? ... will we ? really ? more than perhaps the 3,200 tigers ? or Dale Cregan ? or Mark Bridger ? I fucking hope not.....
So once more we seek to turn away and yet yesterday is filled with more despair..... we see this....
He was being questioned by the FBI and they shot him ....... why exactly ? ...... The Boston bombing was appalling.... a murderous [and maiming act] of utter futility ..... but whilst I am not a big fan of conspiracy theories.... and this is not one.... I am intrigued why the US authority have used such fire power on the Boston Gang, without the public truely understanding what that bombing was all about.... reportedly he was about to sign a confession and then they ...... shot him ..... because they thought he was getting violent..... well then just fucking hit him really hard....but shoot him ? why was that ?
So what can we do ? well we turn once more and we end up back where we started 360 degrees of utter insanity..... back at Woolwich..... Sure we are told it was a terrorist act and we'll debate whether soldiers should wear their uniform in the street and now we'll get all patriotic ..... but was yesterdays murder really an act of terrorism ? .... on the radio news as events unfolded yesterday, I heard the BBC reporter say.... he'd seen the video footage and the Muslim looking man had blood on his hands..... how the fuck do you look Muslim ? I am a church of england christian , do I look different to a catholic christian I wonder or different to a Buddhist ? what a bizzarre comment.....
In truth the two men in woolwich with blood on their hands.... are murdering bastards..... are they really any different to the Bulgarian man
who murdered Jennifer Mills-Westley .... or even different to this.......
Or for that matter, are they really any different to Dale Cregan or Mark Bridger or David Mcgreavy or even perhaps Mick Philpott and the list it seems is endless and it will go on for sure.......
So as you stand and look all around you ..... you wonder how there are only 3,200 tigers left in the world and yet these murdering bastards still exist.....
No SoD today....
I don't think it's a day for music.....
it's a day to shake your head in utter despair....