Tuesday 14 May 2013

jesus christ....they are not fooking.....

.... heroes ..... I have been a fan of football since a very young boy and whilst it is true I enjoyed playing more than watching.... I do wonder at the sanity of some comments in footballing circles....

Sure enough Wigan's victory at the weekend against Man City in the FA cup final was worthy. When all said and done it was the FA cup......it took me till I was 35 years old to realise that I would never score the winning goal in a FA cup final, but hey I loved the dreams till then...but at the weekend when the commentator said.... and so to the Heroes of Wigan........ jesus christ they are not fooking heroes....they are merely footballers....paid a handsome wage at that....

And then last night as Manchester United completed their bus top tour of the city, one fan remarked on the departure of Alex Ferguson as manager [who for sure is one of the games greatest] the fan said...... it's like losing a member of your family...... erm ...what the fook did he just say ?...it's like what ? ......erm I don't think so.....

But there was one footballer worthy of note......

not because the fan was disabled......no it wouldn't matter what the physical status the fan had....no simply for acknowledging the young lad and giving him a memento to remember a good thing about a footballer...... a nice touch...

only one Sod for it really...