Thursday 5 June 2014

And the world is still more bonkers....... [redux][redux]

What is it about people and their dear departed ?..... if it's not a Yogi or a Granny, then why do people not think that any one who is dead perhaps might need burying, rather than be a side show......At least he was wearing his pyjama's.

Turns out that Japan's oldest man might not have been the oldest man at 111 and instead was just an old man when he died at 81 years old....

The family said......
that he had "confined himself in his room more than 30 years ago and became a living Buddha,
The Tokyo Welfare office said.....
"His family must have known he has been dead all these years and acted as if nothing happened. It's so eerie,
Well no shit Sherlock.... you don't say....

This must surely be
the only SoD
for today

On a serious note, this story minds me of two foreign films, the wonderful ..... Departures.... which was the subject of my stone letters post...... at least the families in that film understood the respect of properly dealing with the departed......

And a second movie.... Star Watching Dog...... the story about a welfare officer seeking to discover the story behind the life of man who's body was found in his camper van, along with the body of his star watching dog. It is quite a touching story but very difficult to find a copy on DVD. I watched mine on a plane.... I wouldn't suggest you book a flight to Australia just to watch it, but should you ever get chance, then if you love foreign films you will not regret it......

Right, now where did I leave that body ?....... [and not the body I once found on a bog.... and no it wasn't Elvis....]