....bigger car......
I bid for this at my village auction....although to be fair when I bid I thought I was bidding
for a fig tree.....turned out it was a BIG tree......
But it's christmas and as it was not the Mayan end of the world, I thought I'd expend 6
hours labour, with copious lengths of rope [a man can never have too much rope], 2 x 5 tonne spansets, a tower
scaffold, a wench, ladders and a lot of huffing and puffing and to turn it into a fine erection [look see.......... I must stress that we did not
remove the glass and front of the building for this fitting] and so
whilst there are some presents under the tree I would like to think
there is time for Santa to deliver some more.
When I went to see Roddy Frame, he played a fab song, which I just love to listen when in the car, Spanish Horses......so when RF was blathering about playing this song, he mentioned that he had written it with Ryucihi Sakamoto. Well when I was waiting for RF to come on stage, music was being piped to the hall and a song came on and I thought, gosh I've not heard this for years....but when you hear it, you recall it instantly........
well this is my Christmas Number 1
Mlerry Clistmas
Mlerry Clistmas