Thursday 31 January 2013

cracking cheese......

....there I was enjoying the weekday delights of Stewart and Amelia, when 8 minutes before their time was up they said good night.....oh I thought...and then I knew what was coming....or did I.....

....we now introduce a party political broadcast on behalf of the labour party...... 

now it didn't/doesn't matter which political party it was/is, it is usually my cue to get up and do something else, but as I haven't been missold PPI for a while, nor am I due any whiplash compensation from an accident I haven't had, the phone wasn't I'd eaten me shepherds [sans cheval] pie  [I love pie], and so it seemed I was glued to the sofa.... well what a 10 minutes worth of gut wrenching crap the labour party piled upon us last night.....

Talk about ....pick me .... pick me ..... pick me ........

Rather than espouse the virtues of the labour party and it's policies for socialist reform, we were subjected to 10 minutes of why Ed Milliband is such a wonderful guy..... we were told by his teachers how great he was........ we were told by his class mates how great he was.....we were told by his students from Harvard how great he was...... didn't see it ? don't believe me ?

Ed if you are reading this, and I know you do, so don't deny it..... you are not are a knob !

This broadcast had all the hallmarks of the teacher standing up for the class knob, and telling all the other kids they must like him.... but of course the point is, he is still a knob.....

Quite frankly I am not interested how many "friends" Ed has got on his Facebook page.... what I want to know is not about "him" but what he is going to do to improve the sh1t politics in this country....on the strength of last night...he's doesn't have an effin clue.... politics should not be about the person they are [or how pretty/stupid/ugly/photogenic/how much they spend on hand bags {delete as appropriate} their partners are/do ] should be about what the politician will do for his country.... 

Being a politician [and more importantly being Prime Minister], is about serving the nation not about being served by the nation......[are you taking note Mr Blair ? ...yes you....I know you read this blog too]

And so it is, no matter how many times you see Ed Milland, no matter how much his team want to billshut you that this bloke is really really smart......

The nano second he opens his gob....all you can hear are the words.....

cracking cheese.....

[every bloody time]

Today's SoD is dedicated
 to Mr Millibands marketing
 team behind that
 crappy broadcast last night